Our First Everything

After a loooooong winter of plenty of rain, snow, and unusually cold temperatures, the soil was finally warm enough to accept the many seed starts begun in the greenhouse. Rachel and Brandon had already procured intensive elemental soil testing to determine what minerals and elements our soil lacked, and what it had in abundance. With Wade, they decided on amendments. They chose the highest quality supplemental amendments to be found in order to balance this beautiful Humboldt dirt. After clearing the cover crop planted at the end of last season, they worked the amendments into the soil. We had a ew hiccups with our vintage tractor, but Bob-the-Tractorman came to the rescue to and create our rows.

Finally, it was time to plant!

We all had our visions and decided as a family what crops would lead out: Wade wanted to make sure to have medicinal herbs. Linda lobbied for lots of flowers, greens and cucumbers. Rachel planned the “Three Sisters:” corn, squash and beans. And we knew our customers loved the tomatoes, so readying the tomato hoops and getting those seeds started took top priority. As always, the kids helped in their own special ways!

We are thrilled to be here in Humboldt County, proud to continue a long legacy established by the Weaver Family, and excited to create our own family legacy within this vibrant community.


Farm Flea - Fabulous!


Hey there, Humboldt!