Hey there, Humboldt!
Some people heading into their 60s envision slowing down…maybe golfing…travel…rocking in some chairs on a porch. That sounds great, but…we decided that at this stage, we wanted to shake things up, and follow our kids into a wilder, more rural life than what we were living in Southern California. We wanted to create a living family legacy, and to become “present” grandparents instead of living 800 miles away and only seeing our favorite little people a few times a year.
So…we bought a farm!
We bought the former Riverside Produce farms stand and Olde Farmhouse Bakery in Hydesville, Northern California. Now wwe are Goose Prairie Farm and Bakery! We are so excited to continue the great precedents set here by Charlou and Jeremy Weaver on this historic farm and in the farm stand that they created. Humboldt County is such a beautiful, fertile, unique corner of the Golden State of California, and we want to be a contributing part of it, growing health from the ground up, providing fresh food for real people.
We were both born and raised in Southern California, and we raised our three daughters there. Wade built a thriving chiropractic and Functional Medicine practice in Dana Point. He has now passed the chiropractic practice along to a younger colleague, but still continues his IBSolutions practice virtually (www.IBSolutionsMethod.com). We love how what we plan to do here on the farm synchronizes with that life: start with the basics of health (in the soil as in the body) and build from there.
We plan to continue growing and baking what the Weavers did, and also bringing in from other quality growers what cannot be grown here. We also have some ideas for *NEW* so please be sure to keep checking in for those developments!
All our best,
Linda and Wade Binley